I am glad it worked for you :-)

Perhaps I should start working on an open flash light app.
Would anyone like to contribute to such app? I have already 2 apps to maintain
and I can't easily fit a 3rd.


On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 09:43:54PM +0100, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
> Hi Mohammed
> That's it!
> It's strange how things go. Yesterday was one of those days: At work
> I spent hours fighting with a recalcitrant Confluence installation
> that refused to start properly, and the evening I could not get the
> GST code working properly.
> Today was very different. I discovered that that the mysql database
> under the Confluence was corrupt. Once i found that, it more or less
> fixed itself. Then this evening I see from your mail that my GST
> code only needs one character changed to work!
> Zitat von "Mohammed Hassan" <mohammed.has...@jolla.com>:
> >
> >g_object_set (G_OBJECT(src), "mode", 2, NULL);
> >
> >That should do it for you. Works fine here after changing mode to 2
> >instead of 1
> It really does work, both in developer mode from Qt Creator, and
> once installed from the Jolla itself. Thank you! I will integrate
> this functionality into my core app this weekend.
> Zitat von "Mohammed Hassan" <mohammed.has...@jolla.com>:
> >
> >Those errors are harmless. Just ignore them. They decrease with each
> >update as we implement more camera features ;)
> >
> Looking forward to the update(s)! 8)
> chris
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