Hi all

I have come across some more strange behaviour.

This time it is a ListView / SilicaListVew with a SectionDelegate based on FirstCharacter.

For the items initially displayed this works well, with the section headers exactly where I would expect them (e.g between Anne and Babs in the code below)

But as I flick up, I then a section header between each item (e.g between Gargantua and Gilbert).

The code below demonstrates this on the emulator.



import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

Page {
    id: page

    SilicaListView {
        id:  contactList
        anchors.fill: parent
        model: contactModel
        delegate: Label {
            text: model.displayLabel
            width: page.width
        section.property: "displayLabel"
        section.criteria: ViewSection.FirstCharacter
        section.delegate: Rectangle {
            height: 10
            width: page.width
            color: "lightblue"

    ListModel {
        id: contactModel
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Achim"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Ana"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Anne"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Babs"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Barnie"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Barry"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Bezelbub"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Billy"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Boris"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Carrie"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Cassie"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Charlie"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Chris"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Diana"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Donald"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Doris"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Egbert"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Ethel"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Eziekiel"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Franzi"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Freddy"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Gargantua"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Gilbert"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Giles"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Gog"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Mabel"
        ListElement {
            displayLabel: "Magog"

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