
You can have a peek at the calendar qml files in /usr/share/jolla-calendar/

Hope you find some hints there,


Tobi D. kirjoitti Thu Jan 30 2014 00:53:08 GMT+0200 (EET):
>Hi there,
>I've got another question on how to develop apps for SailfishOS.
>Please have a look at Jolla Calendar app. There you can flick horizontally 
>between months and you can flick down pulley menu, also from the month part on 
>top of the view. If there are many events in a day, the whole view is 
>vertically scrollable.
>I want to implement a similar behavior in my app. Content of the view may be 
>scrollable vertically and there shall be a pulley menu. By pushing left and 
>right, the content shall flick to the content of the next respective previous 
>I wonder how this works. I tried several things, but I don't know which 
>components to combine to get this behavior. One possible solution is to use 
>push buttons to go to previous/next week, but that's not very SailfishOS like.
>Maybe you can give me a clue. Or is it possible to have a look at the source 
>code of Jolla Calendar app?
>Best regards,
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