Hi All

Just a minor clarification: The bug occurs (on Sailfish) both with SilicaListView, and with the bog standard ListView elements.



----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von m.gabrielboe...@googlemail.com -----
     Datum: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 23:57:23 +0100
       Von: "Gabriel Böhme" <m.gabrielboe...@googlemail.com>
Antwort an: "Sailfish OS Developers" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
Betreff: Re: [SailfishDevel] ListView with SectionDelegate (Strange Behaviour)
        An: "Sailfish OS Developers" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>

Hi again,

I can add, that the append/insert "bug" is also happening in Qt 5.2. But
maybe it's not really a bug, because appending means -> okay add it at
the end of the list. With a model coming from C++ side, it could be
possible to order it, the way you want it, every time a new item is
added. But for QML only models it seems impossible and should maybe
added, so a feature request is maybe the better choice in this case? :-/

But Chris' problem seems to be really a bug, but I've also checked the
Silica QML files a bit, but can't see what cause the issues. Maybe Jolla
modified the Qt 5.x sources, so maybe there is a bug?

Cheers, Gabriel.

Am Donnerstag, den 30.01.2014, 19:09 +0100 schrieb
Sali Norbert

thanks for your confirmation.

I have not filed a bug report with the Qt-Project, as my tests on
Desktop, Android etc indicate that this is not a general Qt 5.x bug,
but a Sailfish specific one. (Despite my expectations, I got expected
behaviour on those platforms).

My understanding is that this is currently the best place to report
Sailfish development bugs.

If there is a more appropriate place, then I will gladly report it there.


Zitat von "Norbert Wenzel" <norbert.wenzel.li...@gmail.com>:

> On 01/29/2014 07:56 PM, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
>> This time it is a ListView / SilicaListVew with a SectionDelegate based
>> on FirstCharacter.
>> For the items initially displayed this works well, with the section
>> headers exactly where I would expect them[...]
>> But as I flick up, I then a section header between each item (e.g
>> between Gargantua and Gilbert).
> I can also confirm that behaviour. In your example and also in an
> app I'm coding myself.
> Did you already file a bug or are you still investigating?
> Norbert
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