Hi Marcel

I can confirm that I am getting QGeoSatelliteInfoSource info too.

SatsInUse is changing, before levelling out at 4, which is plausible as I am sitting inside.

But SatsInView jumps straight to 17 and stays at 17. This figure seems less plausible to me. It maybe down to a bug in my code, but if so I have yet to find it. (Tomorrow I will test outside, to see if that makes a difference).



Zitat von Marcel <mar...@aliquis.de>:


just a small note if everyone else is waiting for this:
QGeoSatelliteInfoSource is working since Sailfish

The only problem here is what the system (GPS/GLONASS) is not set, it is
QGeoSatelliteInfo::Undefined. But this shouldn't be a real problem to nearly
all apps.


Am Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014 schrieb Marcel <mar...@aliquis.de>:

I'm trying to get satellite information using QGeoSatelliteInfoSource, but I
cannot create a default source. Is it not implemented in Sailfish? I know
Sailfish is using Geoclue, and there is a commit in Qt for supporting the
Geoclue Satellite interface:


Is this missing in the Sailfish-Qt-packages? Is the satellite interface
missing in the Sailfish-Geoclue? Is it another problem? Can I access the
satellite information in another way?

Another small partly related problem I found then using the GPS is the
following: If you use QGeoPositionInfoSource the VerticalAccuracy and the
HorizontalAccuracy are always the same, is this normal behaviour?

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