Just to let you know that the segfault related to the Map QGeoTileCache while 
destroying the Map is no longer occurring in
I don't know what has changed but that's cool :). Is the bug opened to 
qt-project.org still relevant or was it only occurring in Sailfish?

The other segfault (due to images in sections headers of a ListView) is still 
occurring so I've removed the images for now.

Thank you!!

From: sth...@hotmail.com
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 13:04:23 +0000
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Segmentation fault: No such file or directory.

> From: aaron.mccar...@jolla.com
> To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:19:12 +1000
> Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Segmentation fault: No such file or directory.
> Hi,
> I replied to a duplicate email off list.

Yes sorry my bad, I originally replied only to you by mistake and then 
forwarded my answer to the mailing list.Thanks for all the clarifications, I am 
copying your original email on the list in case other people want to follow the 
> From: aaron.mccar...@jolla.com> To: sth...@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Segmentation fault: No such file or directory.
> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 10:57:07 +1000
> On Fri, 24 Jan 2014 10:36:23 you wrote:
> > I did more tests today in the subway with a limited connectivity and it was
> > actually hard to reproduce (1 out of 15-20 attempts), so as the stacktrace
> > suggest, it has something to do with the caching operation.Now that I have
> > a better 3G connectivity, I can reproduce it more often but not as often
> > than yesterday in Wifi. It never occurs at the first attempt, I'd say I
> > have to try between 2 and 10 times, it depends, while in Wifi it was almost
> > always crashing at the first attempt. When not panning the Map, it occurs
> > less frequently, but I am not sure how frequently. I will make more tests
> > this WE. But If I simply push/pop/push/pop/... the Map without panning it,
> > it never crashes.
> Ok, thank you for this information.
> > While we're talking about Maps, I have some questions:You
> > have entered this bug in your tracking system because I am using the Nokia
> > plugin?
> No it is a general issue which would affect all plugins that use the tile 
> cache implementation provided by Qt Location. In fact I should have filed it 
> upstream in the Qt bug tracker. I have done so now, see 
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-36486
> > Or do you work on the general Map API?
> I work mostly in positioning (GPS etc), location (including Maps application) 
> and connectivity, including the Qt libraries.
> >The underlying question are: where to report Map bugs?
> It varies. General questions go to devel@lists.sailfishos.org. Bug reports 
> for 
> Jolla go either to devel@lists.sailfishos.org or together.jolla.com, I 
> monitor 
> both places. If you are sure it is a bug that affects upstream Qt, then you 
> can file bug reports at bugreports.qt-project.org.
> > And why the only available docs are on developer.ubuntu.com?
> Because Qt Location has not been officially released yet. You will find 
> documentation for Qt Positioning at http://qt-project.org/doc with the reset 
> of the Qt 5.2 documentation. Once Qt Location is official released its 
> documentation will appear there as well.
> Neither Qt Positioning nor Qt Location is an officially supported API for 
> SailfishOS yet. Qt Positioning will be once SailfishOS is updated to Qt 5.2. 
> Qt Location once it is released upstream. This is why neither of these APIs 
> are documented with the rest of the SailfishOS documentation in the SDK.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Aaron McCarthy                                          

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