On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 8:07 PM, "Thomas B. Rücker" <tho...@ruecker.fi>wrote:

> Hi Andrey,
> On 02/04/2014 10:45 AM, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:
> > Blaming openrepos again? Are you serious?
> <snip value="lots of rambling" />
> I would suggest to get back to a sensible discussion. There is no value
> in ad-hominem attacks and insults, that just tends to disqualify the
> person throwing them around.
> As you dragged out the topic of openrepos, let me offer some
> clarification, also as other people might wonder where this came from.

Well, to be fair you started. :P Also the guys running ORN seems to be far
better coders than the inbreds at Harbour, allowing Android apps WTF! At
least ORN is 100% native apps and hopefully will never support any Android
apps whatsoever.

> I am personally quite critical of openrepos for various reasons.
> Foremost as it swings to the other end of the spectrum, offering no QA
> and no verification as opposed to the rather strict submission process
> of Harbour. Relying solely on ratings, comments, reputation.
> They have recently reacted to my criticism and started introducing
> changes/improvements. I applaud this. Still I am of the opinion that the
> underlying concept is not well suited for wider adoption. The
> intricacies do not fall under this topic, but I'll be happy to discuss
> them elsewhere.
> Last time I checked, I was living in a country where I am free to voice
> my opinion and I intend to continue to do so.
> On the other hand I'd like to point out that my initial mail in this
> thread was attempting to summarize a *community* *round-table*, which
> took place during FOSDEM and was attended by about 25 people.
> Many people weighed in and arguments were made for *both* sides. In the
> end the consensus was that openrepos is not suitable for a pure open
> source app development community repository.
> I'd appreciate if we could now let this sub-thread rest and get back to
> the really urgent topic, that is figuring out how Jolla can support the
> nascent open source app community around Sailfish.
I'm not against using OBS but for me it's more of a trust issue. If I trust
a package maintainer I don't give a rats ass about if the package is built
with OBS or SDK. In the end it'll be the exact same binary anyway. If ORN
adds support for voting on users and not only on packages I'll be perfectly
fine with that. Waiting for Jolla to support the community could take a
while ... also BS (main ORN dev) has said already that he's willing to add
support for OBS in Warehouse if needed. No need to badmouth each other as
both systems can coexist just fine and ORN is definitely not going anywhere
but up from here. And hopefully the Sailfish OBS too.

Greets Jens
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