If setting the PushUpMenu's visible to false doesn't work, that sounds like
a bug to me.

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Tero Siironen <izer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have PushUpMenu in my app which currently has only one item, and in
> some situations also that item should not be visible. How can I hide
> the menu?
> I tried to set MenuItem's visibility to false, but that lead to weird
> behaviour; PushUpMenu is still there and empty, but the empty menu can
> be pushed up about screen height. I also tried to use visible property
> in PushUpMenu, but that doesn't seem to hide the menu.
> Disabling the MenuItem could be one option, but as it still shows the
> item's label it would be a bit misleading for the user in my
> situation. I would prefer to hide the whole PushUpMenu when there's no
> items that could be used.
> --
> Tero
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