
On 03.02.2014 09:57, Andrew den Exter wrote:
We're working on a solution which will allow QtMultimedia's
VideoOutput item to use that node instead of it's own built in nodes,
but in the meantime have been accessing it through the
GStreamerVideoOutput type which is defined in the 'Sailfish.Media 1.0'

As the Sailfish.Media 1.0 import is not allowed for applications in harbour, is there any way to write an application using the Camera with a Viewfinder in QML that would pass harbour QA at the moment? Or do we have to wait for the adapted VideoOutput?

I have added a simple QR-Reader to my app (SailOTP), but it only works if using the unsuppoerted GStreamerVideoOutput...

Stefan Brand
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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