On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 2:24 PM, itviewer <itvie...@jolladev.net> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> In my application I don't want the qml file to be deployed.
> I know I should use the Qt resource system.
> After added all qml files to the .qrc file and rebuild the application,
> It seems that all qml files are still build in to the rpm file.
> Is it a sdk's bug?
> How can I deploy rpm application without qml file?
> Hi,

Not a bug but an (annoying) feature. :) You probably have "CONFIG +=
sailfishapp" in your .pro. That will automatically add the qml subfolder to
install rules (
A trivial solution is to rename the qml folder to something else.

J-P Nurmi
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