
sorry but with the current SDK it is not possible to use gdb from IDE. That scratchbox2 message is not relevant, since gdb would be run from the host and not from inside the build machine.

We're working hard to get a new SDK release out, but can't give a date yet.

Best regards,

On 27.02.2014 10:52, Iosif Hamlatzis wrote:
I've just managed to port one of my BB10 games to SailfishOS, but now the problem is how to debug it on the emulator and later on the actual device.

I am using *windows* and want to be able to debug (step by step) from _*inside the IDE*_.

When the compilation finished I've noticed a message on the "compile output" window:


Welcome to scratchbox2 enabled gdb!

Before starting target program you should run command

'sb2-prepare' that sets breakpoint which is used

to stop target before its main() gets called. After

the breakpoint is hit, you are able to set furtherbreakpoints and do normal debugging actions.

If you are attaching to already running process or

examining a core dump, this step is not necessary.


How do I call this "sb2-prepare" command from inside the *IDE?*

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