Now I repeat what already said. OpenRepos will not be safe if everything is 
allowed. Endusers will be confused and don't understand what they install and 
in the long run break they'r phone and in best case they can reflash factory 

But thats not something regular users are intrested to do. Not even me as a 

For example if X app installs python intepretor. Where are python installed on 
device? /usr/bin? if thats the case what happens if Jolla decide later to 
install python as default? Maybe this example is stupid. Maybe this is not an 
issue but what about other thirdparty  libs and versions? 

Thing is I don't beleive you about not breaking because X package manager is 
better than Y. I have seen dependies/breaking issues on every dist I have used 
latest 10 years and NO one can always solve everything and I often have to 
tweak in terminal to fix issues both on OpenSuse and kubuntu. Most the time it 
breaks when do dist-upgrades. Now that will be even worse on a mobile device 
if everything is allowed. 

I definitivly agree that harbour should allow more libs but I still beleive 
openrepos is to "open"

Now I stop my discussion on this thread because it seems lead nowhere and I 
don'̈́t want to flood the mailinglist by repeating my opinion on this.

Kindly regards


On Saturday 29 March 2014 23.57.26 kaa wrote:
> Mikael .. I was understand .. debian's apt-like solvers are not good as
> zypper. You not know all good possibilities .. :)
> Kaacz
> Dne 29.3.2014 18:03, napsal(a):
> > Mikael, know you things: opensource, git, OBS service .. ??? With
> > those things, openrepos wil be nice and safe place for users with
> > brain. More safe then closed app in Harbour.
> > 
> > I like ideas as Maemo4-extras repo - only one way to this repo exist:
> > automatic build from opensource "git" place. I know "this binary is
> > builded from exact this sources".
> > 
> > 
> > Last words: exist more open and more safe solutions then Harbour only. :)
> > 
> > 
> > PS: problem "upgrade vs openrepos" packages is easy. High level apps
> > (GUI) are not possible to break OS by simply "install". Unofficial
> > libraries or OS tools: yes (problem with bash in last update). But:
> > when OS reposes are wrong defined (without priorities), in this case
> > is easy to destroy OS by any 3party package. I have openSUSE with
> > zypper 5 years on few PC. With good priority setting isn't possible to
> > break OS with worst priority unsupported packages. :)
> > 
> > 
> > PPS: excuse me for ugly english..
> > 
> > 
> > Radek "Kaacz" K.
> > 
> > --
> > 
> > Sent from Nokia N9 :)
> > 
> > 
> > Dne 29.03.2014 12:22 napsal uz(ivatel Mikael Hermansson:
> > 
> > On Monday 24 March 2014 21.26.31 <> wrote:
> > > Sad. Apps type as SuperSMS or PhoneAssistant (as on N9) not possible on
> > > Harbour. Good save openrepos. :) OK. My attention is more focussed to
> > > openrepos than harbour .. :)
> > 
> > Hmm, your signature is kinda ironic ;) One of the reason harbour does not
> > allow SMS is to be safe from risk for developers not misuse or by
> > mistake send
> > SMS:ses without user knows it or viruses, malware etc?
> > 
> > Now you prefer unsafe operrepos thats allows everything. And we
> > already knows
> > people got problems with they'r phone when upgrade to latest version
> > and some
> > (not all) reasons are because of apps in openrepos.
> > 
> > I dont say openrepos is bad BUT restrictions is needed for reasons.
> > Openrepos
> > is a playground for testers and developers which can be great. But NOT
> > something I recommend for endusers software.
> > 
> > As stated here already I think there need to use an more controlled extra
> > repos at merproject where developers can upload apps that later easy
> > can be
> > pushed to harbour. And harbour- suffix should not be allowed on
> > openrepos IMHO.
> > 
> > Point is developers should still support harbour as number one and
> > instead
> > push ideas how to implement X/Y/Z without risk for malware/viruses etc...
> > I do not beleive openrepos is the solution.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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