Hi sailors,

I have released my app "Freiertag" in the days Jolla started. It worked pretty well, but now some updates later (since 1.038 and later) I'm facing a problem, I can't find a solution for.

Starting the app first time works, but on the second try it crashes. After some inspection it seems the problem is, that the app is don't quit correctly. I can use the gesture in Emulator or press and click the X, in both cases it's still running, after a kill via SSH, it can be started again. The strange thing is, that it worked earlier.

Thats the code from main:

#include  <sailfishapp.h>
#include  "FreiertagCom.hpp"

int  main(int  argc,  char  *argv[])


    QGuiApplication  *app  =  SailfishApp::application(argc,  argv);

    QQuickView  *view  =  SailfishApp::createView();

    //create  a  new  ListModel  for  the  results

    FreiListModel  *freiModel  =  new  FreiListModel();

    //create  a  new  instance  of  our  object  that  is  doing  the  most  

    FreiertagCom  *frei  =  new  FreiertagCom(freiModel);

    view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("frei",  frei);

    view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("freiModel",  freiModel);



    return  app->exec();


Another thing is, that I've set my cover and QML pages in this way:

import  QtQuick  2.0
import  Sailfish.Silica  1.0

import  "pages"

import  "cover"



    id:  mainApplicationWindow

    MainPage  {id:  mainPage}

    StartCover  {id:  startCover}

    ResultPage  {id:  resultPage}

    initialPage:  mainPage

    cover:  startCover


I was doing it, to set text and other informations on the cover(s). But now that seems not to work anymore. So how can I "talk" to a cover, if I'm setting it via Qt.resolvedUrl for example?

Thank you very much! :)


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