
I'm writing on developers list, because I wanted to express my disappointment with a serious problem that Jolla has and tries to hide under the carpet. Thanks to that from a strong supporter back when Jolla appeared on scene (almost 2 years ago) I became heavily disappointed with this company and it impacted on my whole community activity and caused slowly pulling away. It's important issue, because this could have happened to anyone from developers or other Jolla contributors community.

So Thomas Perl and I were in a conflict since beginning of 2013, before he was a Jolla employee. From his side I've received insults (was compared to psycho, called asshole etc.) and even threats (he was threatening me to discredit me in Python community, also he was threatening publish my private mails, where I've begged him to stop this conflict). Thomas used all sorts of actions against me, including kicking me from gPodder project to which I've previously contributed, without any factual technical/quality reasons. I've made many attempts to end this conflict at that time, but without any results.

At early July 2013 Thomas Perl joined Jolla. I was scared that he might bring that conflict into the company and Jolla was very important to me. Unfortunately he did that, somewhere on beginning of September 3rd 2013 I've sent an e-mail with questions regarding code he was author of in Nemo mobile project as a Jolla employee (his company mail was listed as a Jolla contact mail for the source file I was interested in). My mail bounced, Thomas has blocked his company e-mail to my e-mail, even though I never brought up any non-technical issues to his company e-mail (only non-technical mail that went there on beginning of July when I wrote there:

"I've read that you work in Jolla. Congratulations and good luck!

Filip "

So in September I felt that Thomas Perl brought the conflict into the company, because from that time I wasn't allowed to ask questions regarding Jolla open source or public activity that he was involved it. It's similar situation like you would enter the shop and shop clerk doesn't want to sell you items in store, because of his personal prejudice/reasons (like he don't likes you, your color of skin or gender). I've informed about that problem Carsten Munk, but he ignored it and informed me that he is not a person to handle complains on his co-workers.

Then later in December, there was information on Harbour that people can help with Python support on Sailfish:

"Can I submit Python applications?
Currently not, there are some enablers missing for that. But we are working on it, to make that happen. You can support us with that effort, please ask in Nemo project how to help with Python."

I wanted to help (since 2007 I'm very active in Polish Python community, even organized 6 editions of the biggest Python event in Poland - 4 days, 330 attendees, also in the past I taught students Python at university etc.). I went there like Harbour stated to nemomobile IRC channel. In result my questions weren't answered unless someone else repeated them. Many people in private conversations (including some connected with Jolla) commented Thomas Perl behavior as unprofessional. After advice of a friend I've reported that issue to Jolla Care:

"Can I submit Python applications?

Currently not, there are some enablers missing for that. But we are working on it, to make that happen. You can support us with that effort, please ask in Nemo project how to help with Python.

So I went and asked in #nemomobile as it can be seen in the below log (till 13:57):


The log shows that for some reason my questions were ignored, unless someone else repeated the same question after me. I am sad that such things happen from Jolla’s side. In my opinion someone’s personal reasons to dislike someone, shouldn’t justify ignoring someone on professional/company level.

I look forward to solving this amicably.

Best regards,

The mail to Jolla Developer Care didn't receive any response for _months_!

As a result of sending above mail to developer care few days later Carsten Munk (Thomas superior/chief in Jolla) started to ignore me. I believe the reason is that he was covering Thomas Perl on this embarrassing issue and tried to put pressure on me to withdraw. Carsten even tried to discredit me on IRC channel which is clearly seen in the logs:


Why Carsten brought this on #nemomobile channel? He wanted to break me and he succeded in that. As a result on the same day I wrote an e-mail to Mer mailing list where I apologized everyone and took the whole blame on myself. Deep inside I felt it was highly unfair and I felt forced to it, especially that I was in an overall bad state and contact with Carsten and Jolla was important to me at that time very much. Carsten responded to me and told me that he did that for my own good. Is abusing or discrediting someone publicly on IRC channel to break someone or make him feel guilt and then later justifying that it was for his good is ok? It's not, it's comparable with situation where parents beat or mentally abuse a child and explain that it is for the child's own good.

Through next months from January I've slowly started to move out from Jolla related topics. I still had hope that Jolla Developer Care or Carsten will take care of the problem of Thomas Perl discriminating me in Jolla context as mail was on Jolla Developer Care mailbox.

In April where there was already new Jolla Developer Relations Chief - Iekku, Carsten told me that I'm free to bring up the problem again. So I've contacted Iekku:


As a response from Iekku I was apologized that the problem was ignored by Jolla for such long time (+4 months) and I was informed that the issue will be solved.

On 14th of April I was informed that I will be contacted on that issue latest at the end of the following week - so in other words till 25th/27th of April.

On 15th of April Jolla introduced communication guidelines:


On the same day there was a community IRC meeting, where the above guidelines were supposed to be discussed. The time for this point was cut by 13 minutes (Carsten Munk proposed to cut it, probably afraid that I might bring the problem on community meeting). I've already wrote about that:

Guidelines were created by Jolla as I was informed as a result of the problem I've reported in December to Jolla Developer Care. Anyway Jolla Developer Care haven't contacted me as Iekku promised till 25th/27th of April. They did that on 5th of May, as a result of another abuse that happened from Thomas Perl side recently (after the guidelines already were published on Together).

Thomas Perl wanted to exclude me from an event Hack-a-Jolla (later renamed to Hack-a-Handy) organized by Christian Ratzenhofer (Merlin1991) and taking place in Metalab Vienna (an open hackerspace in Vienna, Austria). Thomas went on public IRC channel of that event and wrote that everyone is invited but I'm excluded. Despite he wasn't the organizer but Christian, Thomas was so arrogant to decide who is excluded or not. Moreover he gave Christian a choice "either me or Filip" to apply pressure on Christian and disgust me. Thankfully hackerspace Metalab Vienna intervened in this case informing Thomas that he has no right to exclude anyone from events taking place in Metalab, because it's against Metalab hackerspace rules. They asked Thomas to keep his personal conflicts to himself, out of the events that happen in Metalab. Metalab clearly shown that for them the rules and being fair to everyone matters and apologized for the situation and inappropriate behavior caused by their member Thomas Perl. I was happy to participate in that event and it went very well, especially that some new people appeared. Thomas hasn't of course appeared or apologized for trying earlier to exclude me from the event.

Before I've contacted Metalab I've also contacted Jolla about the same issue, especially that Thomas told about the event on Together portal, so according to Jolla guidelines that were already in place at that time - he was speaking their as Jolla employee. Is that ok, that a person talks about Jolla hacking event as a Jolla employee and then tries to exclude (privately or not) a community member from such event? Jolla doesn't seem to see anything wrong about that. When it took Metalab only ~2 days to examine the situation and react, Jolla needed 1 month. It would probably took even more time, but I wrote an email to Stefano Mosconi where I've expressed how I'm disappointed by Jolla Developer Care lack of any action, an endless delaying finding a solution of those raised problems and harm that was done to me. Stefano did approach the problem seriously and did some investigation, but clearly he was misinformed. Anyway I still count that Jolla will find courage and solve the problem - better late than never, but for me it seems it's very hard for them. What are the reasons for that?

Thomas Perl (without no doubt) is a very good engineer from technical point of view, so I believe they tolerate his behavior only because they are afraid he would leave the company if they took any actions and asked him to behave properly and with respect to all community members. If Thomas leaves Jolla they would have to look for a replacement in R&D and that could slow work on SGSIII LTE port of Sailfish, Python support on Sailfish and other areas Thomas is involved in. In my opinion Jolla is doing unethical trade and giving up their values like respect or being fair to community members for their business goals. Yes I remember what Jolla said on many events and for me it weren't empty slogans, but I took that and promises given on stage entirely seriously. This makes me very sad and heavily disappointed.


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