Some of the discussions here have been borderline illegal; discouraging
such behavior even with absence of 'technical' moderator tools (like you
have even on barbaric environments like phpbb) is not necessarily a bad
 On May 22, 2014 5:53 PM, <> wrote:

> Seconded. I could not have put it better myself.
> Since the early days I have enjoyed the very open nature of this forum
> where pretty much anything goes that is vaguely Jolla / Qt / Open Source /
> technical.
> From my recollection the number of threads that struck me as "definitely
> better elsewhere" has been refreshingly small. Many of the threads have
> been helpful or and or insightful.
> Keep up the good work
> Chris
> Zitat von "David Greaves" <>:
>  There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some people
>> have
>> felt they don't want to participate.
>> We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is such a
>> thing
>> as under-policing too.
>> How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what measures
>> do we
>> think should be taken?
>> Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:
>> FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that I
>> would
>> actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows that
>> sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.
>> David/lbt
>> PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific
>> issues out
>> of it.
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