On Thu, 19 Jun 2014 15:37:41 +0000
Lukas Vogel <lukedirtwalker...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks all for your answers. Andreys solution works, it complained
> first for the simulator,
> but seems to work now (after it ran successfully on device).
> I now changed the path
> to /usr/share/harbour-qtimetable/data/stations.db
> I have quite a big read-only part (list of train-stations) but I want
> to store things like favorites and stuff.
> Would you suggest creating 2 separate db, or copying the whole db at
> first start-up to the write-able location?

I'm interested in this one too as I have a large database which is used
'as is' but I want to store my own settings for it. I'm thinking along
the lines of a separate SQL file and not touching the 'supplied'
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