On 24 Jun 2014, at 11:30 am, Tomasz Sterna <to...@xiaoka.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> Is there a way of obtaining a list of known BT devices from pure Qt C++?
> I know there is KnownDevicesModel in Sailfish.Bluetooth QML module, but
> I would like to get that information on C++ level - in an command-line
> application running without UI.

Hi Tomasz, 

I suggest using the BlueZ 4.x API directly through QtDBus until there is public 
API support for Bluetooth functionality. You can call 
org.bluez.Adapter.GetProperties and check the “Devices” property in the 
returned map to get a list of object paths for known devices. This is what 
KnownDevicesModel does internally. 

We would like to provide some kind of public API support for Bluetooth in the 
future — in the form of QtBluetooth support, for example — though this will be 
some way off.

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