Hi Juha,

Thanks for taking the time to debug this.
I guess the following command could be used to find differences between the
2 versions:
  find ~/SailfishOS -type f -executable -exec file {} \; | grep ELF | cut
-d: -f1 | sort | xargs ldd > versionX


On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 3:45 PM, Juha Kallioinen <juha.kallioi...@jolla.com>

>  On 17.07.2014 13:39, Juha Kallioinen wrote:
> Hi thanks for debugging,
> I can't figure out the reason yet, just a quick report.
> I can reproduce the failure here in Sabayon KDE 14.07 version, but not in
> the GNOME version.
> I could not reproduce it in Kubuntu 14.04 (also uses KDE, version 4.13.2).
> One system library caught my eye, Sabayon loads libpng16.so.16 and Kubuntu
> loads libpng12.so.0, although I'm sure I've built Qt so that it would use
> the qt plugin and not system libpng. But maybe it doesn't affect that code
> path yet.
> I built the qt creator in Sabayon KDE and it does work then.. so I think
> the build machine (ubuntu 10.04 with minimal extra packages installed ) has
> some build dependency that's incompatible with Sabayon right now.
> Best regards,
>  Juha
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