so you try to hide a component by setting its height = 0? have you
tried visible = false?

2014-07-18 16:30 GMT+06:00 Marcin M. <>:
> I'm want to display some elements only when needed. So I did it like this
> (the components are inside a Column):
>             TextSwitch
>             {
>                 id: switchTextColor
>                 text: qsTr("Override text color")
>                 checked: settings.overrideTextColor
>                 states: State
>                 {
>                     name: "checked"; when: switchTextColor.checked == true;
>                     PropertyChanges { target: textColorButton;  height:
> Theme.itemSizeSmall}
>                 }
>                 transitions: Transition
>                 {
>                     from: "*"; to: "checked"; reversible: true
>                     NumberAnimation { property: "height"; duration: 200;
> easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
>                 }
>             }
>             ColorButton
>             {
>                 id: textColorButton
>                 height: 0
>             }
> And the ColorButton component is:
> Row
> {
>     id: root
>     property string color: "transparent"
>     width: parent.width
>     Rectangle
>     {
>         id: colorIndicator
>         color: root.color
>         width: Theme.itemSizeSmall
>         height: Theme.itemSizeSmall
>         border.color: "black"
>         border.width: 5
>     }
>     Button
>     {
>         id: button
>         text: "Choose a color"
>         onClicked:
>         {
>             var dialog = pageStack.push("Sailfish.Silica.ColorPickerDialog")
>             dialog.accepted.connect(function() { root.color = dialog.color
> })
>         }
>     }
> }
> Instead of hiding, the textColorButton is at the top of the Page. If I check
> switchTextColor, then it goes where it should be. If then I uncheck the
> Switch, the component below goes up, but the textColorButton doesn't
> disappear (screenshot)?
> What am I doing wrong?
> --
> Marcin
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