
could you please describe a use case where such an API could be useful
outside the already existing ambience creator/changer? I can't
actually imagine one except the colorset change notification but if I
understand correctly Silica's Theme object already contains current
ambience colors. I understand that although as for now Ambience
consists of wallpaper and ringtone only, it can be changed in future
but in my opinion the corresponding APIs should follow such a change.

Dmitriy Purgin

2014-07-22 23:19 GMT+06:00  <sfietkonstan...@free.fr>:
> Hello list,
> Following what has been decided during today's Sailfish OSS meeting, I would 
> like to open a first discussion about internal API to be provided for 
> developers to take advantages of all the capabilities of Sailfish OS.
> One of the specific capabilities of Sailfish OS is the ambience system. It's 
> a profile system that is extended to changing the whole phone (currently 
> wallpaper + sounds).
> Accessing this feature is currently done via a QML module 
> (Sailfish.Ambience), that is only usable from privileged applications. It can 
> also be accessed via an userspace daemon, *ambienced*, that provides a DBus 
> API accessible through com.jolla.ambienced.
> This API is quite limited as it only allows setting an ambience from an image.
> I can understand that allowing the QML module to be used might cause 
> problems, either with API breakage, or with security, since the Ambience db 
> is privileged for a reason. In the other hand, the DBus API is safer: an API 
> change will only trigger a runtime error, and the API can be made to only 
> leak minimal data for the developer. That's why I'm asking to extend this API 
> to allow developers to take advantage of Ambiences.
> I would like to discuss with you about the API the developers want to see for 
> Ambience, and what sailors can provide. What I expect personally as a basis 
> would be
> - Setting an ambience (already existing)
> - Getting the list of favourited ambiences (name + image path)
> Some more advanced API can be welcomed too
> - Getting a favourited ambience highlight colors
> - Favouriting / unfavouriting an ambience
> TJC post is here: 
> https://together.jolla.com/question/51602/api-discussion-ambience-dbus-api/
> It is a wiki and will be used to log the final APIs when a concensus has been 
> reached, to have a basic documentation for devs, and a todolist for sailors.
> Feel free to elaborate on this topic, propose more APIs or detail those I 
> proposed (the best would be to provide a DBus introspect XML file). You are 
> also free to post a new thread on ML about other APIs you want to see from 
> Jolla.
> Regards,
> Lucien
> PS: link for today's meeting minutes: 
> http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2014/mer-meeting.2014-07-22-10.03.html
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