On 24 September 2014 13:41, itviewer <itvie...@jolladev.net> wrote:
> As I can see ,the trend of jolla is to become a mobile phone
> manufacturer,while Ubuntu touch means ecosystem.

What do you mean "become", tehy have already released and started to
sell a phone almost a year ago. So they already are a phone

Additionally they have ported their Sailfish OS to existing Android
devices to attract other manufacturers to do the same for their

Jolla has an app store, so they have an ecosystem already.
Additionally Sailfish is using QT, QML which is also used in
Blackberry and Ubuntu. Even if they are not directly compatible, they
still share a lot and make porting at least easier than porting from
WP, Android or iOS. For which you can also use QT mind you.

> Because jolla both referees and athletes, I do not think this model can be
> supported by many other manufacturers.

You must compare Jolla to Google, not Samsung. Even though Jolla makes
phone(s) what else could have they done to make Sailfish known? They
need a product to pay for Sailfish development.

> As a developer, If a platform is not able to attract enough users, why
> should I pay attention to it ?

babysteps, if you think you can make your app successfull in play
store among the 10000 already existing similar apps, well I think you
are an optimist. If you develop a good app for Sailfish (and then
easily port it to BB and Ubuntu) you may have 100% market share for
certain kind of software already. Maybe some kind of recognition" will
help to market your program on other platforms too. But the market
isn't big, and paid apps means you have to handle the payment part
Also, many Jolla SW developers develop for it because they like what
Jolla represents compared to the other players, not to pay bills - at
least for now...

-:[ Panu ]:-
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