
A topic was created in Talk Maemo.org (TMO) about Fortran for Sailfish :
The goal of this topic is to know what we need to do to have Fortran on Sailfish OS.

I've found that gcc-fortran is not available on Mer :
list of last Mer packages/ <http://releases.merproject.org/releases/latest/builds/armv7hl/packages/armv7hl/> Project Mer-core/gcc <http://gitweb.merproject.org/gitweb?p=mer-core/gcc.git;a=commit;h=fc433008bf73e6198739142c5abcf4b67e6a47db>
The reason seems to be simply the compilation time on ARM :

   Drop fortran support. On armv7l, this drops gcc compile time from
   34minutes to 17minute

In June 2013 I've contacted Jolla by email (but I've received no answer) asking the return of gcc-fortran (package which includes gfortran and libraries) to Mer, because : - the above decision was in 11/2011, now we have faster CPU's (on PC's and smartphones), etc;
- gcc-fortran is :
* useful to anyone who needs to compile Fortran code on device;
* needed as dependency for R-base (statistics language), python-scipy (Python scientific module), etc, or optional dependency for python-numpy (so some NumPy functions become faster) which is dependency of python-pygame (python module for games), python-matplotlib (2D/3D graphics in Python), etc.

What are the options ?
- gcc-fortran should be included by the Mer project when rebuilding "mer-core/gcc.git" (by the Mer-core maintainers) ?
- or gcc-fortran package can be added by the community ?
- or another Fortran (other than gcc-fortran, like g77, f77, etc) can be compiled and package by the community ?
The Mer/Sailfish community wants to run Fortran compile on device (like gcc/g++), package R, NumPy (including Fortran), SciPy, etc.

If anybody has answers about the questions above, feel free to discuss here or in the TMO topic.

        Best regards,

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