On Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:00:38 AM Kaj-Michael Lang wrote:
> Is there some, official harbour approved, way to get notified about
> incoming/outgoing calls start/stop so my app can react to these events
> ?

If you just want to know when calls start/stop, then listening to call
state signals from mce on system bus should be ok.

Running this from console and then making calls:
dbus-monitor --system interface=com.nokia.mce.signal,member=sig_call_state_ind

Should show:
incoming: "none" -> "ringing" -> "active" -> "none"
outgoing: "none" -> "active" -> "none"

Some details at:

At the moment mce is not dbus introspectable, so any dbus api that
relies on it will not work without some extra tinkering. This will
change in update 10, i.e. things like discovery via qdbus & automatic
signal binding via nemo-qml-plugin-dbus should work too

/usr/lib/qt5/bin/qdbus --literal --system com.nokia.mce /com/nokia/mce/signal 
|grep call_state
signal void com.nokia.mce.signal.sig_call_state_ind(QString call_state, QString 

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