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Von meinem iPad gesendet

> Am 2.11.2014 um 10.41 schrieb Tomek <disc...@tdress.de>:
> Might this be a bug in SilicaFlickable?
> Does someone know if and when there will be a bug tracking tool for 
> sailfishOS? 
>> Hello jolla developers!
>> I am wondering why the Image QML element does *not* fire the onDoubleClicked 
>> event when placed inside the SilicaFlickable element.
>> Have a look at this example. With QT´s Flickable element (which I am not 
>> suppose to use, of cause) the event is fired and with SilicaFlickable it is 
>> not.
>> Does someone have an idea what else I could try?
>> import QtQuick 2.0
>> import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
>> Item {
>>   Rectangle {
>>       id: rect
>>       width: 200
>>       height: 200
>>       SilicaFlickable {
>>           anchors.fill: parent
>>           Image {
>>               anchors.fill: parent
>>               source: "../res/image.jpg"
>>               MouseArea {
>>                   anchors.fill: parent
>>                   onDoubleClicked: console.log("Silika onDoubleClicked does 
>> not fire :(")
>>                   onClicked: console.log("Silika onClicked fired!")
>>               }
>>           }
>>       }
>>   }
>>   Rectangle {
>>       width: 200
>>       height: 200
>>       anchors.top: rect.bottom
>>       Flickable {
>>           anchors.fill: parent
>>           Image {
>>               anchors.fill: parent
>>               source: "../res/image.jpg"
>>               MouseArea {
>>                   anchors.fill: parent
>>                   onDoubleClicked: console.log(„onDoubleClicked fired!")
>>                   onClicked: console.log(„onClicked fired!")
>>               }
>>           }
>>       }
>>   }
>> }
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