On 11-11-2014 19:04, Philipp Seiler wrote:
Hi guys,

It's me once again, asking a question. I already have a Jolla with
some nice native apps but I want to have some command line programms for
that typical geeky linux feeling on this mobile phone. Programs like
zsh as shell, htop, mplayer,...

    Hi Philip,

About existing CLI tools, look at this Talk Maemo.org topic " Extra softwares in Sailfish using CLI, repositories, etc" :
"5) additional softwares in mer-tools repository, e.g. :
dosfstools, emacs, git, htop, less, mtools, parted, powertop, rsync, ruby 1.9.3, strace, sudo, tcl/tk 8.5.12, zsh."
6) OpenRepos.net via Warehouse client has many CLI softwares".

        Best regards,

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