
I'm writing a small app for SailfishOS in JS + QML (I don't know C++ so please 
don't tell me to do this in C++).

I'm getting data from LocalStorage and hence get a Javascript Object with its 
own properties. Let's call it myObj.
Then I bind some field in a view to these properties :

    DetailItem {
        label: qsTr("MyProp")
        value: myObj.myProp

Now, if I update myObj.myProp, the value of the DetailItem doesn't get updated.
For what I understand, this is normal because the properties of my Javascript 
Object (myObj) aren't notifiable and thus, QML doesn't know it has been updated.

To fix this, I wonder if it's OK to wrap my JS object into a QML Item. This 
would give me notifiables properties and would certainly allow me to get 
working bindings.

What do you think about this ? Is it OK ?

Thanks a lot for your help,

Best wishes,

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