Hi Reto,

I didn't spot any wildcards, but the project is on

Thanks for you help,

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 9:38 AM, Reto Zingg <reto.zi...@jolla.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 23.01.2015 08:53, Juho Rutila wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I tried to validate an app to harbour. It was rejected because:
>> Paths
>> =====
>> ERROR [/usr/share/harbour-newsblur/qml/feedlib/.git] Source control
>> directories must not be included
>> The reason for this is that I have a git submodule in the feedlib
>> directory. What should I add and where to ignore the .git directory in
>> there? I think it should be in .pro-file in the OTHER_FILES or something.
> Yes it's very likely that you have some wildcard inclusion for a whole
> folder, which contains the .git, in a .pro file.
> Without your pro files and knowing your folder structure, it's a little
> bit difficult to spot the exact problem :)
> Do you have the project somewhere open in a repository?
> Or could you provide the relevant .pro files and the directory structure?
> Thanks and best regards
> Reto
>  Regards,
>> Juho
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