On Mon, 9 Feb 2015 16:42:47 +0200
Kaj-Michael Lang <mil...@tal.org> wrote:

> I started to prepare my app for gstreamer 1.0 now that it is available
> and soon possible to use in harbour apps.
> But the souphttpsrc element that I need is missing. First I thought
> this a mistake but it seems it was deliberately excluded:
> "
> - [gstreamer] drop soup support for now
> "
> why ?

That was temporarily but it got re-enabled again:

commit 2faf7e911ae434ccf7b64556451ee059374b0b53
Author: Mohammed Hassan <mohammed.has...@jolla.com>
Date:   Tue Nov 11 16:43:22 2014 +0200

    [gstreamer] enable souphttpsrc

I hope it will be in the next update.

Please also note that gstreamer has not yet been white listed for
harbour use.

Do you need to submit the app now or is it possible for you to wait for
a few more months ? ;-)

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