I started writing myself a little app with D&D spell list. Worked well enough until I tried the search functionality. I'm using SilicaListView with SearchField in it to grep through the QSqlTableModel, and when I type one letter into the search box it clears itself and defocuses the keyboard. The search still occurs, for that single letter that got typed in.

[1] is where I react on keyboard input. If I comment out spells.search() line the issue with SearchField no longer occurs (but it's pretty useless for obvious reasons). That makes me think that something on the C++ side is wrong ([2]), but I don't see why it would affect the view so dramatically.

Could anyone point out where did I screw it up? General code criticism is welcome too :)

Best regards,
Tadeusz Sośnierz

[1] https://github.com/tadzik/harbour-dndhelper/blob/master/qml/pages/SpellList.qml#L16 [2] https://github.com/tadzik/harbour-dndhelper/blob/master/src/Spells.cpp#L74
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