
In qml it would be something like this: 
> state = "Loaded"
>      for (var i = 0; i < xmlOverstapgegevens.count+6; i++) {
>           if (i<6)
>                 {// first we load the FixedValues
>                 // (use select case? )
>                 if (i=0){
>                      list_model2.append({"StationVan"   :  "FixedValue1"
>                 }
>                 if (i=1){
>                      list_model2.append({"StationVan"   :  "FixedValue2"
>                 }
>                 .
>                 .
>                 .
>                 .
>                 if (i=5){
>                      list_model2.append({"StationVan"   :  "FixedValue6"
>                 }
>           }
>           else {// Then we load the dynamic values
>                 // don't forget to correct the counter for the FixedValues
>                 var item = get(i-6)
>                 list_model2.append({"StationVan"   :  item.StationVan
>           }

Don't use two step creation, it caused terrible timing issues for me. 

On Mon Apr 20 10:49:56 2015 GMT+0200, François K. wrote:
> Hi Michael, hi Lucien, hi devs,
> > I support this idea:
> > Why don't you build a model that is built in two step during
> > creation, first, build the 6 entries, then build the rest ?
> Do you suggest to do this in C++ (which is my idea n°1) or mix C++ and QML 
> (see below) ?
> > > Is'nt it possible to add the items in the QML-part?
> I don't know... I just don't know how to do this with QML :/
> With a SilicaListView, I guess Qt would overwrite the fixed items as soon as 
> I set the model property on the SilicaListView, wouldn't it ?
> Cheers,
> -- 
> François
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