You are passing a carmodel as an argument to carpassDetails, chances are you 
did not define member named id or register in carmodel, but probably that's not 
want to do anyway. You seem to expect carDetails to be some different type, I 
did not find any definition to its type other than it being a QVariant in 

The way you want to pass carDetails is correct, but you are passing the model. 

On Fri Jun 5 17:57:52 2015 GMT+0100, Chris Walker wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2015 16:53:22 +0000
> Krisztian Olah <> wrote:
> > It looks like the object carDetails does not exist in the scope
> > you're trying to access it. What scope is your carDetails object in?
> > If you could briefly describe in which file each relevant
> > function/object  reside, would be helpful. 
> I've just pushed the code to github. So would that be better than me
> trying to explain it?
> It's here :-
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