Hi Bob,

Please refer to the OS architecture diagram towards the end of this page: https://sailfishos.org/about/

It is not as detailed as the package list on Mer Wiki, but should provide a clearer overall picture.

There are plans to open up more bits, as you can read from Saarnio's statement at the end of this interview: http://techcrunch.com/2015/05/28/jolla-pushes-brics-partnerships-to-target-android-in-emerging-markets/

This would be a good topic for discussion when we resume the OSS community meetings. However may I suggest waiting for the dust to settle a bit after the company reorg etc., when we have some more details figured out ourselves :)


On 08/21/2015 04:07 PM, Bob Summerwill wrote:
Thanks for that info, Jonni.

The information is on the Mer Wiki.

Please could I ask publicly if anybody at Jolla is contributing to
answering the status of the 'unknown' entries?   Is this document the
definitive information source on Sailfish licensing?

Also, I know that there have been discussions in the past about the
roadmap for moving to open sourcing more of the currently proprietary
components.   Perhaps with the Jolla company reorganization, and with
the new split between OS and devices we are now in a place where
resuming that community conversation would make sense again?   Maybe it
is time for another OSS community meeting, Carol?

On Aug 19, 2015 9:48 AM, "Jonni Nakari" <jo...@egarden.fi
<mailto:jo...@egarden.fi>> wrote:

    On 19.08.2015 15:24, Bob Summerwill wrote:

        Is Silica the ONLY non-open-sourced part of Sailfish?   Alien
        Dalvik is obviously commercial, but isn't really part of
        Sailfish per se, right?

    Here is a list of non OSS packages that come with SailfishOS:

    Jonni Nakari
    jo...@egarden.fi <mailto:jo...@egarden.fi>
    +358 50 4411 784 <tel:%2B358%2050%204411%20784>

    A: Because it disrupts the natural way of thinking.
    Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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