Hello Amilcar,

> [...] but, from my understanding when I press RUN, the deploy script is 
> always trying to run the project binary and ignoring the 
> /usr/bin/sailfish-qml in the project settings executable.

If the behavior is the same as for me, then the problem actually is that it 
uses the "Custom executable" run configuration, which means that it tries to 
execute /usr/bin/sailfish-qml on your workstartion instead of on the 

Unfortunately, QML only apps are not really supported by current (Sailfish OS 
SDK/)Qt Creator.

Fortunately, the following works: set 'ssh' as the executable and the following 

-i ~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/SailfishOS_Emulator/nemo -o 
NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes nemo@localhost -p 2223 sailfish-qml test

For me this had only one small issue - that the application could not be 
properly terminated from Qt Creator. I did not analyze this anymore deeper.

You can further speed up yout edit-deploy-run cycle by 

1) switching to "Deploy by Copying Binaries" AKA Rsync deploy method and
2) disabling the qmake and make build steps

This way you can launch your app in up to three seconds.

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