Hi David,

On  Mi 23 Dez 2015 16:51:04 CET, David van rijn wrote:


Sadly, i broke my phone, and i don't have money for a new one. So i will
not be developing for a while. This does make me sad, but I would like you
to carry on. I have been working on a maps- Component for use in QML. (I
mailed about it before.)
And I think it would be a waste if my work were to be for nothing. So if
anyone wants to continue on it, i would be ever so greateful.
The main advantage of it is that it is crazy fast in loading ( read less
than a second from menu to a map).
But it is not finished yet. I was mostly working in touch controls (pinch
zoom/rotate at the same time).

If this works it could be used in all kind of apps. And it could share its
tile-cache over all apps. (And steal tiles from android-gmaps).

Since it is a work in process, and halfway a design iteration, if you want
to coninue on it, you should let me know so i can add some comments on what
i have already.

The code is at https://github.com/unsanded/harbour-mapp

Keep up the good work


Do I get you right that your only blocker for continuing with development for SailfishOS is not having a phone at hand anymore?

If that is so, please get in touch with Jolla and order a new phone. I will sponsor that.

Please also send me a list of Jolla projects you have been working on in the past and let me know what your plans for other Jolla-related development projects are.

Mike (Debian Developer and Jolla fan)

mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

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