You need to exactly follow instruction, and you can't build it in QtCreator, only in mersdk itself. After you follow instruction and add that repo your build dependency error will be solved.

------ Исходное сообщение ------
От: "Vidhuran Harichandra Babu" <>
Кому: "Sailfish OS Developers" <>
Отправлено: 09.01.2016 1:10:16
Тема: [SailfishDevel] Error building sailfish browser


I'm trying to build the browser by importing it as a project in Sailfish IDE and i get the following error.

20:45:24: Running steps for project sailfish-browser...
20:45:24: Start SDK: The "MerSDK" virtual machine is already running. Nothing to do.

20:45:24: Starting: "C:\SailfishOS\settings\SailfishBeta7\mer-sdk-tools\MerSDK\SailfishOS-armv7hl\qmake.cmd" C:\Users\evidhar\workspace\Sailfish\sailfish-browser\ -r -spec linux-g++ "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=declarative_debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"

No provider of 'pkgconfig(qt5embedwidget) >= 1.12.26' found.

error: Failed build dependencies:

pkgconfig(qt5embedwidget) >= 1.12.26 is needed by sailfish-browser-1.13.26-1.armv7hl

Building target platforms: armv7hl-meego-linux

Building for target armv7hl-meego-linux

20:45:27: The process "C:\SailfishOS\settings\SailfishBeta7\mer-sdk-tools\MerSDK\SailfishOS-armv7hl\qmake.cmd" exited with code 1.

Error while building/deploying project sailfish-browser (kit: MerSDK-SailfishOS-armv7hl)

When executing step "qmake"

20:45:27: Elapsed time: 00:02.

When i build it for the emulator by following the instructions from i get the same error.

I even tried to include that library by copying it over from the /usr/lib directory from the phone, it didn't help,

How do i include that library ?



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