28 Jan

------ Исходное сообщение ------
От: "Steph Gosling" <st...@chuci.org>
Кому: "Sailfish OS Developers" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
Отправлено: 27.01.2016 20:27:57
Тема: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS community meeting: 28th of January 2016, 14:30 UTC

Good afternoon!

Thanks as always for topic proposals on TJC for tomorrow's meeting:

Below are the specifics and the agenda at the current time.

Date: 14th January 2016
Time: 14:30 UTC, for your local time: http://bit.ly/1XYZVI1
Duration: 60 minutes
Chair: Steph Gosling (stephg)
Location: #mer-meeting on Freenode (freenode.net)

Those without an IRC client can join via Freenode's web client:


* Intro (5 minutes)
* Status update from Jolla (tablets, financing, resourcing, etc.);
  please address the subject of tablet covers - LastuCase and MapBagrag
  (10 minutes)
* What are Jolla plans to rebuild trust with the community? (daitheflu, 20 minutes)
* libcontentaction Merge Request on Mer (tortoisedoc, 5 minutes)
* Merge Request policies on Mer (tortoisedoc, 10 minutes)
* All other business  (everyone, 10 minutes)
* Wrap up and meeting planning (5 minutes)

Please familiarise yourself with the agenda before the meeting, as well
as the common Meetbot commands https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot (it's
used for meeting management and logging)

Many thanks and see you all tomorrow.



Steph Gosling <st...@chuci.org>
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