On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 09:38:15AM +0300, Tone Kastlunger wrote:
> How do you combine upside-down with hw keyboard in portrait mode?

Even then a bottom menu is better than a pull-down menu with everything
important in the top row?! The question is pretty odd, with the kbd out you need
it upside-down even more as your distance to the top grows. With static kbd like
the Passport or other BBs but Priv, a bottom oriented UI would fit better than
this everything top layout.

> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 12:48 AM, Ruediger Schiller <chem...@dostortugas.org
> > wrote:
> > On Mon, May 30, 2016 at 09:32:32PM +0300, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
> > > Talking about the size, if Jolla has any influence on the size of 3rd
> > party
> > > vendors can you please influence them to shrink a bit?
> > > Even the size of the Jolla 1 is too large for proper single handed use,
> > > swiping from the opposite side of the thumb holding the device is almost
> > > impossible which kind of defeats the purpose of gesture based
> > > interaction....
> >
> > Sorry for hijacking this thread but this needs to be commented as it is so
> > frustrating that I consider buying another phone.
> >
> > How about merging the good things from the 1.0UI back into 2.0 and make
> > pages
> > work upside down (important things in bottom half?!). The 2.0 UI only
> > works on
> > the Tablet as you use that mostly two-handed. The phone with buttons to
> > reach on
> > top like the settings-shortcuts in eventsview was also horrible in 1.0ui
> > settings... The whole thing needs to be reworked, eventsview settings
> > pulled
> > from bottom and events history upside down (for example).
> >
> > Just from reviving my N900 two weeks ago and booting my Jolla with 1.0UI
> > made me
> > wish for a merged 1.0+2.0-upside-down UI and a device with proper h/w
> > keyboard.
> > We should get BB to use SFOS on BB Passport!
> >
> > > 2016-05-30 21:03 GMT+03:00 Michal Hrusecky <mic...@hrusecky.net>:
> > >
> > > > Erik Lundin - 19:57 30.05.16 wrote:
> > > > > Den 2016-05-30 kl. 19:53, skrev Michal Hrusecky:
> > > > > > one more question, are dimensions known? Would like to start
> > looking
> > > > for some
> > > > > > case :-)
> > > > >
> > > > > Height: 142 mm
> > > > > Width: 72 mm
> > > > > Thickness: 9.6 mm
> > > > >
> > > > > Shamelessly copied from https://jolla.com/jollac/ (expand "View full
> > > > specs")
> > > > > :)
> > > >
> > > > Thanks! :-)
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> >
> > so long and thanks for all the fish
> >
> >
> > Rüdiger Schiller
> > +--------------------------------------------+
> > | +** *            Chem|st             * **+ |
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> >
> >
> >
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so long and thanks for all the fish

Rüdiger Schiller
| +** *            Chem|st             * **+ |
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| +** *       www.dostortugas.org      * **+ |
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