According to the doc, there is no function /completeTransition/ for a PageStack object.

I've something weird with your solution. Goal is reach but the MainPage is empty, as if the app was never started. :/

If I found a solution I'll let you know. If someone as an idea, welcome ;)

@+, Fab

Le 20. 07. 16 à 18:37, Oleg Linkin a écrit :
Why not do the next:


2016-07-20 19:36 GMT+03:00 Dylan Van Assche <dylan.van.ass...@protonmail.com <mailto:dylan.van.ass...@protonmail.com>>:


    You should add this:


    This will prevent the issue but it will give you another bug: only
    one page will be popped.

    You can fix it like this:

    pageStack.completeTransition() // This will pop the page directly.

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: [SailfishDevel] pageStack navigation
    Local Time: July 20, 2016 6:02 PM
    UTC Time: July 20, 2016 4:02 PM
    From: develo...@nordan.ch <mailto:develo...@nordan.ch>
    To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org <mailto:devel@lists.sailfishos.org>

    Hello everybody !

    I can't figure out how to go back to the main page of an app and
    clear the stack of pages. Let me explain:

    I've a main page, by selecting a menu entry push a page (lets
    call it page1). On this page1, calling a certain action, push
    another page (call it page2, it is a dialog page) on the stack.

    So in the stack, I have the following pages:  [MainPage, Page1,

    But now, from page2, I want to go back to MainPage. So I did this
    first in the page2 code :

    onAccepted: {


    Warning: cannot pop while transition is in progress

    Ok, so I tried this instead:

    acceptDestination: Qt.resolvedUrl("MainPage.qml")
    acceptDestinationAction: PageStackAction.Pop

    Still: Warning: cannot pop while transition is in progress

    And doing this:

       onAccepted: {         pageStack.pop(null, false)     }

    Is working in term of results, but before going to the main page
    I see the page2 for a little while.

    So, I should miss something here for sure. Any ideas or
    recommendation ? Maybe am I bad designing the navigation in the
    app ?

    Thanks a lot !



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