
After reading 

I had a closer look in the sources of connman and wpa_supplicant. IMO it 
shouldn't be to much effort to add the support for certificate detail 
verification in connman. It could be done in the same way as the support for 
anonymous_identity was done with this commit:

It should be more or less a copy&paste of code for the wpa_supplicant options 
subject_match, altsubject_match, domain_suffix_match, and domain_match.

What do you think?

The next step would be to get some kind of UI for an easy setup. In the case of 
eduroam I'm considering to code a CAT-App (https://cat.eduroam.org/doc/) which 
uses the same XML profiles as the android CAT-App. Then the user only has to 
download the XML profile of his organization and to fill in username and 

I'm wondering how is the best way to create and update connman configs? At the 
moment the workaround is to create manually a config file in /var/lib/connman, 
but there must be a better way. I assume the UI does it via D-Bus? 


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