James Noori - 12:21  5.09.16 wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Thank you for attending today's meeting.
> Meeting minutes can be found here in variety of formats:
> Minutes: 
> http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2016/mer-meeting.2016-09-05-09.00.html
> Minutes (text): 
> http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2016/mer-meeting.2016-09-05-09.00.txt
> Log: 
> http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2016/mer-meeting.2016-09-05-09.00.log.html

Hi, just read a minutes, SELinux was mention and that it would be hard to get
profiles and support work correctly. What about using Apparmor instead? Much
simpler and easier to create profiles for and can be probably hacked together
quite fast. And applications could probably come with profile inside rpm
specifying what do they need.
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