On Wed, 14 Sep 2016 23:40:50 +0200
Matthias Fehring <buschm...@huessenbergnetz.de> wrote:

> Am Donnerstag, 8. September 2016, 14:40:16 CEST schrieb Chris Walker:
> > Can anybody point me in the direction of some C++ code to connect to
> > two SQL databases please?  
> Does it have to be pure C++ code? If not and if it can be the Qt way,
> read on. :)
> > I want to have one set as read-only and the other as read-write.
> > 
> > Whatever I'm doing is wrong as I always end up with a default
> > connection.  
> Have a look at QSqlDatabase and it's addDatabase() method. [1]

Thank you Matthias for the examples. I'll take a look.
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