Hi rinigus.

I'm not sure why jb5771 is marked as the default, 'master' is the primary 
development branch, and the one from which Jolla releases are derived.

The master branch includes code to delegate modification operations to a 
daemon, but this is already present in the system, so you do not need to 
incorporate it.  If you're only reading directories for a file picker, then the 
daemon will not be activated.


From: Devel [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of rinigus 
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2016 2:00 AM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] File Picker


which branch of 
 did you use in your project? It seems that the default one (jb5771) does not 
compile and the "master" branch has a daemon (bit excessive for a dialogue, I 



On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 7:56 PM, rinigus 
Thank you, good to know. Just would be great to specify it in LICENSE
file. Note that RPM spec specifies that mysterious LICENSE at

But back to the subject: Andrey, thank you very much for a tip and
example code! I'll look into your interface and that would simplify
advancing my projects as well.

Best wishes,


On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 5:59 PM, Andrey Kozhevnikov
> i am using WTFPL for my projects.
> 29.11.2016 14:26, rinigus пишет:
> Андрей,
> thank you! Would you mind to specify a license on
> https://github.com/CODeRUS/splashscreen-changer<redir.aspx?REF=KoBMd-z1ickDUBuvt1_CfppQpYlOhgxJ9oqEddV67OavLt4-LxrUCAFodHRwczovL2dpdGh1Yi5jb20vQ09EZVJVUy9zcGxhc2hzY3JlZW4tY2hhbmdlcg..>
>  ? At present, there is no
> license specified, unfortunately.
> cheers,
> rinigus
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Андрей Кожевников 
> <coderusin...@gmail.com<redir.aspx?REF=E3Iwcte0hbisLMDHWFtSQVmXFAw1rVAWst0ppjljR3uvLt4-LxrUCAFtYWlsdG86Y29kZXJ1c2luYm94QGdtYWlsLmNvbQ..>>
> wrote:
>> Hello, for now you can compile and bundle nemo-filemanager plugin:
>> https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/nemo-qml-plugin-filemanager<redir.aspx?REF=QhxCC8lrof_dCuV5EhM4Q1XPfRrviQenX2jwLC7-tl6vLt4-LxrUCAFodHRwczovL2dpdC5tZXJwcm9qZWN0Lm9yZy9tZXItY29yZS9uZW1vLXFtbC1wbHVnaW4tZmlsZW1hbmFnZXI.>.
>>  I hope
>> later it will be added to allowed imports.
>> You can use
>> https://github.com/CODeRUS/splashscreen-changer/blob/master/settings/SecondPage.qml<redir.aspx?REF=9VRjwuAlimuqHRmNyXIq7GGoqdW-0TZ71F-w6dZiTXevLt4-LxrUCAFodHRwczovL2dpdGh1Yi5jb20vQ09EZVJVUy9zcGxhc2hzY3JlZW4tY2hhbmdlci9ibG9iL21hc3Rlci9zZXR0aW5ncy9TZWNvbmRQYWdlLnFtbA..>
>> as sample of usage.
>> 29 нояб. 2016 г. 12:48 пользователь "rinigus" 
>> <rinigus....@gmail.com<redir.aspx?REF=sgR_r4rC3lfblZBk8SJKLCw4tS2v7N8Gfnw08UiDfaivLt4-LxrUCAFtYWlsdG86cmluaWd1cy5naXRAZ21haWwuY29t>>
>> написал:
>>> Hi!
>>> I am looking for a File Selection dialog that would be
>>> * Able to select a directory or a file (specified on call)
>>> * Jolla-store compatible
>>> * LGPL compatible
>>> Maybe someone has recommendations for it? It seems to be a frequent
>>> request 
>>> (https://together.jolla.com/question/321/file-picker-needed/<redir.aspx?REF=r1qwvC1sM5lbcVrbtOdprJlkloV9IeRThmuQk5IgQTKvLt4-LxrUCAFodHRwczovL3RvZ2V0aGVyLmpvbGxhLmNvbS9xdWVzdGlvbi8zMjEvZmlsZS1waWNrZXItbmVlZGVkLw..>),
>>>  but I
>>> have not seen yet the one that would comply with the requirements (either
>>> license is not clear or Qt.labs are used). I probably just missed a decent
>>> picker...
>>> cheers,
>>> rinigus
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