
I am working on getting ported packages to OBS and facing few problems, as
probably most of the beginners do. Maybe someone here can help me out?

Problem 1: I have a bunch of packages that have external source and rpm
spec written in a small separate project. Let's take rrdtool as an example
with my github repo https://github.com/rinigus/pkg-rrdtool . Its spec
contains source as a full URL. Now, I would like to download it from that
URL by OBS either during building or as a part of its _service.
Unfortunately, unlike in several other CI servers, network seems to be
disabled. So, the snippet in RPM as

%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
curl -O %{REMSOURCE0}
tar zxvf rrdtool-1.5.6.tar.gz --strip-components=1

doesn't work (ifconfig returns only loopback device). We also don't have
download_files among allowed _service APIs, as returned by osc api /service.
Maybe this can be enabled on OBS? As far as I understand, it should
download all sources specified in the spec file. Personally, I find it
rather disturbing putting .tar.gz into github project and would prefer
getting the upstream package from the upstream source.

Problem 2: When creating package from github source (like for proj.4 in my
case), I get as a version of packaged RPM the version that I specified
together with (what looks like) git's latest commit signature together with
the corresponding branch name leading to package names like
 proj-4.9.3+sailfish.20170726042718.6.ge9a0f09-10.20.1.jolla.armv7hl.rpm .
How can I make it shorter to proj-4.9.3.armv7hl.rpm ?

Best wishes,

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