
The Harbour rpmvalidator is currently highlighting problems with my app
because it has more than one executable packaged with it. I get errors
like this:

ERROR [/usr/share/harbour-getiplay/lib/bin/rtmpdump] ELF binary in wrong
location (must be /usr/bin/harbour-getiplay)

ERROR [/usr/share/harbour-getiplay/lib/bin/rtmpdump] File must not be
executable (current permissions: 755)

Is there any way to create a Harbour-compatible package that includes
more than one executable? From the validator, it looks to be impossible,
but the FAQ doesn't say anything about it, so I'm still hopeful :)

For context, my app is just a UI wrapper around a separate executable
that I call using QProcess. Since the underlying executable isn't
written by me (and itself calls several other executables), integrating
them into a single executable would be hard.


P.S. I checked the mailing list archives and together.jolla.com, and
although this has come up before (e.g.
https://lists.sailfishos.org/pipermail/devel/2017-May/007898.html) I
didn't see any clear solutions or conclusions.
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