+1 to this;
I had the same issue. It's confusing if you have to reinstall from scratch
for instance.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 7:44 PM E.S. Rosenberg <
es.rosenberg+sailfishos....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> TL;DR - if we're doing version numbers for the SDK can they at least be
> the same as the SFOS to which they correspond?
> I assume this may have come up already in the past but I still want to ask
> this again.
> I noticed when recently redownloading the SDK that the versioning scheme
> had switched twice from numbers to dates and then back to numbers.
> As a rule I am a proponent of the dates versioning system since it allows
> me the user to easily know just how far behind I am.
> That being said in this case I am actually a proponent of version numbers
> with the caveat that the SDK version and the SFOS version number should be
> the same.
> When I was downloading the SDK I actually ended up cancelling the download
> and double checking the file listsing to see whether I was indeed
> downloading the most recent version because 2.x was also a SFOS version
> once upon a time.
> Regards,
> Eli
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