On Tuesday, 6 August 2019 08.39.07 CEST Martin Kampas wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> All the errors in the log you shared are expected errors, they do not
> cause any issue.
> The error "Another instance for VM "Sailfish OS Emulator" already
> exists" is also unrelated to your issues.
> The errors from qt.network.ssl are something I would be worry about, but
> again it is not related to your issues.
> What I bet is (was) the source of your issues is the content of your
> VirtualBox.xml.
> >       <MachineEntry uuid="{75bfc298-7ac0-4ca5-91fb-9f031ee0a5a3}"
> >       
> >         src="/home/tol/SailfishOS/mersdk/Sailfish OS Build
> >         Engine/Sailfish
> >         OS Build Engine.vbox"/>>
> >       
> >       <MachineEntry uuid="{1b641bc9-9c41-47fe-998a-8b8e91810c5b}"
> >       
> >         src="/home/tol/SailfishOS/emulator/Sailfish OS Emulator/Sailfish
> >         OS
> >         Emulator.vbox"/>>
> >       
> >       <MachineEntry uuid="{aa96b162-4811-475c-bb57-8147302d6178}"
> >       
> >         src="/home/thomas/SailfishOS/mersdk/MerSDK/MerSDK.vbox"/>
> >       
> >       <MachineEntry uuid="{1944d1bb-99ff-4ac8-8507-1475fdbcfa6d}"
> >       
> >         src="/home/thomas/SailfishOS/mersdk/Sailfish OS Build
> >         Engine/Sailfish OS Build Engine.vbox"/>>
> >       
> >       <MachineEntry uuid="{f8bc1e14-f8e1-48ed-a1a0-e51cd94296da}"
> >       
> >         src="/home/thomas/SailfishOS/emulator/Sailfish OS Emulator
> > OS Emulator OS Emulator
> >"/>>
> >     
> >     </MachineRegistry>
> Did you change your user name in past or so?

Yes. I have just reinstalled - long time overdue - but kept my $HOME. And 
for historical reasons that used  to be 'tol' ;)
The weird thing is, that this error occurred *after* I had had wiped 
~/.config/SailfishOS-SDK and ~/.config/VirtualBox, so I don't know how it 
would have retained info about that installation..?

> Qt Creator uses VM names instead of UUIDs

Well, isn't that just plain stupid? ;)

> so which VM would it be trying to start with `vboxmanage startvm
> 'Sailfish OS Build Engine'`? The existing one under /home/thomas or the
> unavailable one under /home/tol?

Probably the latter. Anyhow, now it seems to be working perfectly.

> BR,
> Martin

Thank you so much to you and deloptes.

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Thomas Tanghus

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q: Why is top posting bad?

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