Hi Thomas, The error messages in the tool tip shown when the *-armv7hl kit is hovered tell you the device selected in kit configuration is architecture incompatible with the kit. The kit supports armv7hl devices while the device (Sailfish OS Emulator) is an x86 device. You can still use the kit to build RPM packages for the armv7hl architecture, you will just not be able to run those directly from Qt Creator. For that you need to provide a hardware device with that architecture and configure the kit to use that instead of the emulator. Use the *- i486 kit if you want to run your software under the Sailfish OS Emulator.
The installation log currently contains information that is mostly useful to someone with knowledge of SDK installer internals. An error message appearing there is not necessary meaning something wrong. The installer would complain verbosely if an installation error really occurred. The SSL-related errors are not likely to affect SDK functions regularly involved in Sailfish OS application development. BR, Martin
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