Hello, As you might have noticed, we've been lately migrating away from the Statefs based ContextKit API implementation. The QML interface already got rewritten in 3.3.0 as a simpler version that doesn't need a background daemon [1]. Ideally, and hopefully, applications using that module should keep working as they used to.
Alas, it didn't all go without glitches: the Jolla phone, tablet and SDK are depending on bluez4 packages and a dependency problem related to that slipped through the cracks [2]. It's fixed now and if we end up doing a bug fix release for 3.3.0, that should be included there. What's been remaining is the c++ library, libcontextkit-statefs-qt5.so, which is about to be removed from the allowed libraries [3]. Based on our checks on Store app dependencies, that shouldn't affect too many. We found only two applications from a single developer and have contacted him. The usage on those didn't either seem too hard to migrate to QML or other API. So all in all it hasn't appeared worth it providing a c++ compatibility library for this little use. This as heads up. Please comment if you have any concerns. [1] https://git.sailfishos.org/mer-core/nemo-qml-plugin-contextkit [2] https://git.sailfishos.org/mer-core/nemo-qml-plugin-contextkit/merge_requests/4 [3] https://github.com/sailfishos/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator/pull/120 _______________________________________________ SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org