fre, 04 03 2005 kl. 13:23 +0300, skrev Paul Bagyenda:
> - the move you suggested, of list_destroy(lto,NULL) in mmsfromemail.c 
> is potentially dodgy since that variable is reset in the meantime. So 
> in some circumstances, a leak could have resulted. I have made some 
> changes around that.

I just took at second look... If you believe that lto can be reset in
the meantime then the call to mms_log should definitely be moved, too.

> - In mmsproxy.c, the change you had suggested on when to send DLR to 
> the sender pointed out a bug, but potentially introduced another: 
> According to spec, we must send DLR if the recipient inserts the 
> X-Mms-Report-Allowed header with a value of "Yes" *or* if they do not 
> insert the header (i.e. default is "Yes"). (Of course we must also only 
> send DLR if the sender asked for it.) Introduced what I hope is the 
> right logic.

Ok, I missed that one in the spec.  So now it's something like
        (allow_report == NULL) ||
        (octstr_case_compare(allow_report, octstr_imm("Yes")))
   ) && e->dlr



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