Hi Paul,

thanks for the answer.

>  STI is actually quite interesting at first read. By specifying a
> standardised protocol between an application and a content adaptation
> server, we can see a situation where the content servers (MMSCs,
> photo servers, etc) are simplified. STI also provides for much more
> generalised content adaptation (for images 'mirror' and 'sharpen',
> among others, are defined). It would be interesting to see who's
> using this standard.

I think that OMA STI is the first standart in content adaptation and
this is its major benefit. Earlier there were just the OMA conformance
documents. STI also takes into account adaptation classes and since
MMS 1.2 it's mandatory for the MMSC to support minor adaptation class.
However, some disadvantages are probably too much of optional
parameters as well as nothing about tools and licenses for
adaptations. OK, this is maybe ouf of scope, but if you look at
ffmpeg's home page, you will find pretty warning about EU patents.

I wrote in my prev letters, that I found two products implementing STI
- Mobixell Central RMSC and Adamin Mediaspire.

>  From what I can see though, the question of device capabilities
> (profile) is not answered. One still has to find out the device
> capabilities some way other!

I finally figured out that GSMA actually IS providing IMEI database.
The current one is based on IMEI's TAC (and FAC) number and the
upcoming one (http://imeidb.gsm.org/) should consist of actual IMEI
numbers (lots of them). As you can guess, the major problem which such
a database is "Marketing Name" matching with a relevant User-Agent (if
you are using WURFL database for example). It's because of different
model/manufacturer naming convetions. For example, Motorola uses
"Product Approval Number", like MPX-YYYYY, instead of real marketing
name, for example C450.
However, GSMA database is a great source among others to maintain a
TAC to User-Agent database.


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